There are people who, when you see pictures of them as kids, you go, "Hmmm.... I just can't see it."
You know what I'm talking about.
I always think this when I see some child actors who have grown up and I think to myself,
"Really?? They were so adorable once... but I just can't see it anymore."
And then there are those privileged few who were adorable as kids and they manage to keep their adorableness as adults and you know who you are, Desi. =D.
Exhibit A:
(I'm still obviously in courtroom mode, but that's not important right now.)
In one of these photos, Kelley (my still adorable niece) is a child and in the other she's an adult.
I know. Sooo not fair. ;-)
Happy Birthday, Kel!
You dropped a bomb on me - baby!
Happy Birthday Mija - you are still a-freaking-dorable.
Love ya!
Posted by: without the cat | December 07, 2008 at 06:06 PM
Happy Birthday Kelley!!
Posted by: Lucy | December 07, 2008 at 06:38 PM
Felicidades Prima!
Hey, remember when we were like, 5 and you were all upset because on your birthday you were supposed to be "bigger" than me and I was still taller? Yeah, well, I'm still taller. ;-)
Posted by: Kikita | December 08, 2008 at 12:07 AM