I decided I enjoy hosting giveaways on my blog for a couple of reasons:
- It's really cool to be able to offer you a product that I, myself enjoy using.
- You never cease to astound me with your insights and the depth of your answers. Thank you.
I have been using the beautiful blue Imusa USA Sauté pan just about every night this week. It's really kind of fabulous.
I'm happy to announce that the winner of the special edition sauté pan is:
Congratulations, Carmela!
You won the IMUSA USA LIMITED EDITION AUTISM SPEAKS SAUTE PAN. Please send me an email with "Hey, Marta! I won stuff on your blog!" in the subject line (so that I don't accidentally delete it). Be sure to include your snail mail address so that I forward to my friends at IMUSA USA, so they can send you your pan right away.
Thanks, Imusa, for partnering with Autism Speaks to bring awareness to such a great cause. If you'd like to learn more about Autism Speaks and "lighting it up blue," click on the following link.
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